Thanks to everyone for your support of Republican candidates in 2024. The office will be closed until mid-January.
Location: 539 West Ave, Suite 104, Crossville

2024 Monthly Meeting Schedule
The Cumberland County Republican Party will meet each month in 2024. Regular monthly meetings generally occur on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:00pm at the Cumberland County Community Complex. Some special dates occur throughout the year. Those events will be listed instead of the regular monthly meeting.
Tuesday, February 20
Tuesday, March 19
Tuesday, April 16
Thursday, May 30 - Reagan Day Dinner - Sen. Marsha Blackburn Keynote Speaker! ( Location Change to The Center in Fairfield Glade) Must Purchase Tickets in Advance
Saturday, July 20 - 1:00pm CCRP Golf Tournament
Tuesday, August 20
Tuesday, September 17
Tuesday, October 15
Tuesday, November 19 - Celebration Dinner (no charge)

The purpose of the Cumberland County Republican Party is to promote Republican ideas, values, and Republican elected officials across the state of Tennessee. This includes fostering the growth and strength of the Cumberland County Republican Party in both memberships and funds.

Physical Location: 539 West Avenue, Suite 104, Crossville TN 38555
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 793, Crossville, TN 38555
Republican Headquarters is operated by volunteers. The HQ is open limited hours during each election cycle. Sign up for our email list to stay informed. You may direct any questions to the email address below.